PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) Vacancy : Marketing Managers

PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC), we recruit for our Client, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company that provides Inspection, Training and Rope Access services to the Oil and Gas, Marine and Construction Industry for the positions of a Marketing Manager. With a Vision to be the best Inspection, Training and Rope Access Services company in...
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John Holt Plc Vacancy : Graduate Legal Officers Recruitment

John Holt Plc Company, incorporated as A Limited Liability Company, and we currently recruit for the positions of Graduate Legal Officers. The Company was listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange in May 1974. John Holt Plc is a subsidiary of John Holt & Company (Liverpool) Limited, UK. 51.46 per cent of the issued share capital of the...
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Maersk Liner Graduate Recruitment Programme (MLGP) 2016

Maersk Liner, the world's largest container shipping company is currently recruiting for the 2015 Graduate Programme. We are known for reliable, flexible and eco-efficient services. We provide ocean transportation in all parts of the world. We serve our customers through 374 offices in 116 countries. We employ 7,000 seafarers and 25,000 land-based...
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